Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Be Not Well Traveled, Baby

I saw you, baby
I saw you sitting
Happily in your stroller
Shoving quickly dissolving
Star shaped treats
In your glossy, wet, toothless

I watched as your mommy
Pointed out the airplanes
Taking off and landing
I listened as she made
Completely incorrect plane noises
As she moved your ratty
Slobber covered beanie dog
Back and forth
Into and away from
Your face

You caught me
Clutching my carry on
Wide eyed and uncomfortable
And you smiled

But I knew

I knew that come time
To batten down the hatches
Come time
To watch the emergency exit tutorial
When the seat belt signs are on
Come time for lift off
Your face would change

It would become
And angry
No longer would
Freeze dried strawberries
Or the wet dog
Or any other form
Of distraction
Make you happy
Or even content

Your screams would be heard
Across isles and rows
From first class
To the little
Drink station in back
With the fold down seats
For airline employees 

I knew

They would be
The only thing on the plane
That didn't sound mufffled
And flat
By the popping of ears everywhere
And that short of
Screaming yourself to sleep
We were all doomed
To listen as you wailed
And as your mother
Panicked and embarrassed
Tried effortlessly to calm you down

I know you, baby
You are a passengers
Worst nightmare
And I will not be swayed
By your pre-flight smile

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